Plays for Kids

Plays for Kids

There are a number of plays for kids on this blog. The first couple of pages of each script are previewed through the links below with casting breakdowns, costume ideas, props and set suggestions. The plays assume no stage lighting. Each play on this blog has been tested before an audience in both theatres and church halls. 

Plays are a great learning tool for kids, as they learn about words and language, Their imaginations are stretched and expanded. Their self-confidence grows with each performance before a live audience. Creativity and Imagination are increasingly looked at as the building blocks for a successful career in so many fields, such as in engineering, entrepreneurial activities, Silicone Valley and politics to name a few. In our experience, most kids that get on stage, particularly girls, enjoy high marks at school. Self confidence is a wonderful thing.

These plays were developed in our acting classes for kids at Bottle Tree Productions. Parts have been written for kids from six up to twelve years of age.

The plays all spring from the imagination of young children. The plays can be as simple in set design as a bare stage or as elaborate as imagination allows. Costumes, too, can be elaborate or simple. These plays provide good parts for all children involved. Many of the parts are gender neutral. Ranging from a play with parts for five kids up to a play involving 20 kids, there are various options in this collection for different-sized casts.

These plays do not speak down to kids. These plays speak for kids.

Great for the classroom, church hall, or community organization.

Royalty and Distribution Information

A royalty of ten dollars per performance will be charged for any public performance of each play purchased, even if there is no admission charged for that performance. A one-time duplication fee of ten dollars will be charged to cover any copying and distribution of that script.

12 Plays for Kids and Licensing Fees

Allow up to 48 hours for delivery of the PDF copy of the play.

The following include the plays in the collection and can be bought individually,
Everybody has heard of Snow White and Cinderella but what about their brothers?
A fantasy about the magical land of bubbles and the giant bee that has invaded the kingdom.
An underwater fantasy about life under the sea for a school of guppies who get lost in the ocean

A story of a brave princess who climbs a mountain to slay a dragon and save the kingdom.
Thomas Smith has a new girlfriend, Jillian wants to read her new book, Mallory has a new doll and Maya has the coolest shoes. But watch out. The bullies from Grade One are coming over. Its recess for the Kindergartens.
The Mouse Kingdom has run out of cheese. How will they survive?
Four garden gnomes rise up in rebellion against their human masters.
The story of a poor miller's daughter and the hobgoblin that helps her to marry a king. But at what price?

It is the first day of spring and one little squirrel must deal with the dangers that cats, dogs and humans provide.
One boy's tale of rabbits rising up against the cats and dogs that have kept them living in fear for so long.
The Vikings have invaded England and King Richard the Faint-Hearted is all that stands between an English England or a new Viking England.
Toys in the Closet speaks to the imagination in all children-the idea that their toys are alive.


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