
Showing posts with the label the play with animals

Preview of Squirrels

Squirrels It is the first day of spring and one little squirrel must deal with the dangers that cats, dogs and humans provide Cast requirements Suitable for 8-10 year olds 13 kids 3 girls 2 boys and 7 gender-neutral parts Characters in Order of Appearance Narrator Grampa and gramma squirrel Papa and mama squirrel. Four baby squrrels Dog Young Woman Cat Bluejay Set Squirrel nest Bed Bench Props Coat Rack Cell phone Costumes For the human Coat For the animals Hats with ears for squirrels cat and dog Tails for the animals Make-up to represent animal faces Blue Jays cap for Blue Jay Blue costume for Blue Jay Squirrels ( Four baby squirrels huddled together under the shadows of a tree gobbo)(papa and mama squirrel sleeping slightly apart)(There is the sound of wind) Narrator- (Enters) In a ramshackle nest of twigs and leaves, high above the frozen ground in the cold bare arms of an old tree, life was being li...