Preview of The Great Rabbit War

The Great Rabbit War
One boy's tale of rabbits rising up against the cats and dogs that have kept them living in fear for so long.

Cast requirements
Suitable for kids aged 10-12
A cast of 16 with 7 girls 8 boys and 1 gender-neutral



Opie and Henry

Rabbit King and Rabbit Queen
General Bun E Rabbit
Small Rabbit
Jumper and Cuddles


No set required-a bare stage

The animals can have hats with ears, makeup to suggest their animal and tails

A Cat book-The advantages to being a cat
A ball of yarn
A flashlight
2 military hats
piece of paper
a stick
dog food
dog dish

The Great Rabbit War

The Backyard

(Mom crouched down with her back to the audience frozen--Old dog is lying down, on his back--Boy enters--stops and looks at the audience)

Boy-Obviously, I’m a kid. That’s my mom. That’s my dog, Duke. Duke’s old. Must be a hundred. All he ever wants to do, is lie around.

Mom-(Turns around) Colin, who are you talking to?

Colin-No one, mom.

Mom-(Goes back to weeding the garden)

Colin-Anyway, in the summer of 2013, there was something strange happening in the garden.

Mom-I wish those dumb rabbits would leave my garden alone.

Colin-The summer of 2013 was the start of the Great Rabbit War.

Mom-What rabbit war? And who are you talking to?

Colin-Perhaps, I should start at the beginning.

Rabbit King-(Hops onstage, occasionally stopping to sniff the air and twitch his nose)

Rabbit Queen-(Hops onstage, sniffs the air, and looks around cautiously) Husband!

Rabbit King-Oh, hello Wife.

Rabbit Queen-What do you think you are doing?

Rabbit King-I think I am hopping down the bunny trail, munching on such greens that I might find, and if I am in luck, a carrot or two.

Rabbit Queen-Is that the way for a king to live? Foraging for himself?

Rabbit King-But dearest wife--you forget, I am not a king. I am only a cog in the rabbit machine.

Rabbit Queen-But you could be king.

Rabbit King-No, I don’t think so. Rabbits don't have kings, Currently we are a democracy. We just do whatever we want. Rabbits are by nature, not very ambitious.

Rabbit Queen-But that could change. Don’t you see? We could take over the joint.

Rabbit King-How could we do that?

Rabbit Queen-By stirring up a great war against our long-time enemies, the cats and dogs, and after your inevitable victory, you shall be crowned King.

Rabbit King-Inevitable victory? But we are a peace-loving collective. I mean, didn’t we invent Easter

Rabbit Queen-Yes, of course. The world thinks of us as peace-loving, as cute and cuddly, as something to be served in a stew. That is our strength. The element of surprise. The great conquerors in human history, Napoleon and Alexander: when in doubt, they charged and took their enemies by surprise. You, my husband, shall become another Napoleon, another Alexander.

Rabbit King-I am impressed Wife.

Rabbit Queen-With my ambition?

Rabbit King-No, that you know anything about human history. After all, Rabbits have not the capacity to read or write. We are, as a species, not very bright.

Rabbit Queen-We will gather our forces into a great storm that will sweep the world and the cats and dogs will serve us! (Laughs insanely) Come on, Husband.

Rabbit King-(Shrugs) Okay. (Follows his wife as they hop offstage)

(The cats enter with a model-like walk)

Missy-We are cats! (They stop, hiss and claw at the air. Missy then yawns and stretches, before lying down, followed by the other cats) Fluffy!


Missy-Please read a passage from the advantages to being a cat.

Fluffy-(Stands up with a book in her hand--opens it to a particular page and clears her throat) Advantage number seventy-two. Cats are well-groomed.

Cats-(Nod in assent and start licking themselves)

(End of Script Sample)

A royalty of ten dollars per performance will be charged for any public performance of each play purchased, even if there is no admission charged for that performance. A one-time duplication fee of ten dollars will be charged to cover any copying and distribution of that script.

The Great Rabbit War and Licensing Fees

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