Preview of Guppy Getaway

Guppy etaway
An underwater fantasy about life under the sea for a school of guppies who get lost in the ocean

Suitable for 10-12 year olds

Cast Requirements
20 kids
The human father and son should be boys and the Mother Fish, the Starfish, the Sea Turtle and the Mermaids should be girls. The rest of the parts are interchangeable.

Characters in Order of Appearance

Mother Fish

Other Sea Creatures
Sea Cucumber
Sea Turtle
Electric Eel


Set requirements
(There is a riser or raised platform upstage-or in other words towards the back of the stage furthest from the audience-Downstage, or closer to the audience the stage is bare. The raised platform or riser will represent the land. The bare downstage area will represent the water. It can be decorated to represent an underwater world)

Costumes can be very creative with Finns on the arms to and back to represent fish.
The octopus can have detachable legs
Shelby the shellfish can have a high shell-like collar
The starfish can have a spread of five arms across the back.
The shark can have a large Finn on the back.
The sea cucumber can be wrapped up in a one piece costume without Finns.
The mermaids can have glitter and shells as decoration.
The sea turtle can have a shell on her back.
Partial masks can be worn but the audience needs to hear the child's words so the child's mouth cannot be obstructed

Two fishing poles without lines
lunch bags
back packs for the guppies
a human-sized bowl of soup which can just be a small flat painted to look like a bowl of soup
A small bag or vial of ingredients
Sea vegetables


Father-(Enters with Son on the platform with fishing gear-Can be fishing poles but there should be no fishing line or hooks) Well, my boy…There it is. Lake Ontario. The history books, they say Ontario means sparkling water, H20, Aqua Vita. Now your mom says that fishing in Lake Ontario is like fishing in a sewer. You know what I say son?

Son-What Dad?

Father-I say your mom is a worry wart. Smell that air son. Are you smelling it?

Son-I’m smelling it dad.

Father-Nothing like it.

Son-Can I catch a shark dad?

Father-Well son, no. Sharks don’t go for worms, or shiny lures.

Son-What do they go for dad? Huh? What do they go for?

Father-Actually boy…They might go for you, or maybe your little sister.

Son-Can I go get her?

Father-No son, I don’t think that would be such a good idea. Your mom; she would get pretty riled up, and you know how your mom can be. Love her to death. She’s a good woman and all, but she sure can get riled up.

Son-How’s your face dad?

Father-(Rubbing his cheek) Still a little sore, son. I can’t lie to you. But enough about me…Where was I?

Son-At the lake?

Father-I do not understand how you could have failed the fourth grade. Smart boy like you.

Son-They were against me dad; you know how them teachers can be.

Father-Yes I do.…Now what you have to do is attach the lure to this hook, see. (Trying clumsily to attach the lure) Ow…Ow…there. Attached! Success! Then we toss the line out so. (Does so) Now your turn…C’mon son. Don’t be afraid.

Son-Could you do it dad? My Finne motor skills being what they are and all.

Father-Sure son…(He clumsily tries to attach the lure which can be imaginary) Ow…Ow…There! There you go, boy. Now toss that line out carefully...

Son-Okay. (He reaches back his pole and tosses out his imaginary line)

Father-(Winces) Son I believe you have caught my ear.

Son-Oh, sorry dad.

Father-Would you mind removing it please?

Son-Oh, sure dad. (Starts twisting the imaginary hook to get it out of his father's ear)


Son-There! (Holding the imaginary hook up in triumph)

Father-Now toss your line out...gently.

Father-There that’s good.

Son-(After a pause) Now, what do we do?

(End of Script Sample)

A royalty of ten dollars per performance will be charged for any public performance of each play purchased, even if there is no admission charged for that performance. A one-time duplication fee of ten dollars will be charged to cover any copying and distribution of that script.

Guppy Getaway and Licensing Fees

Allow up to 48 hours for delivery of the PDF copy of the play.


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