Preview of Bubbledom

A fantasy about the magical land of bubbles and the giant bee that has invaded the kingdom.

Suitable for 9-11 year olds

Cast requirements
11 to 14 kids
The King should be a boy and the Queen and Hannah Bubblana should be girls but otherwise the characters are interchangeable

Two thrones. One larger than the other.

The bubbles do not have to look like bubbles. We can imagine them as bubbles.
The king and queen can be dressed as a king and queen. The children can be dressed as children
The newscaster and reporter can be dressed as such.
Hannah Bubblana can be costumed in a nice shiny dress and sparkly costume jewelry
The Bee can be dressed in a black and yellow costume with a dark mask and perhaps little wings on its back

Armload of papers
A piece of paper with a picture of a bubble drawn on it
A picture of a bubble and a crown
A picture of an exploding bubble and a crown
A picture of the crown
Microphone for the reporter
Microphone for Hannah Bubblana
A stinger shaped like a small sword
The wand for blowing bubbles

Characters in Order of Appearance
The Kids-Bubbles, Bubbly and Bubbler
Voice from Backstage
King and Queen
Hannah Bubblana
A crowd of bubble extras
The Bee
One devastated bubble


(There are two thrones on stage--one significantly larger than the other. Three kids float onstage bouncing up and down in the breeze. They are laughing and giggling. There is the sound of an explosion and the kids huddle together in fear)

Narrator-(Floats on stage and claps his/her hands)

Kids (Bubbles, Bubbly and Bubbler)-(freeze and form a tableau)

Narrator-(Stops and peers into the audience) Hello. How are you doing? I am the Narrator, a thankless job if you ask me. Nobody wants to be the narrator, because you don't get to interact with the other characters. Why couldn't I be the King or Queen, or both? I'm not too particular. Kids' shows tend to be gender-neutral anyway. For the narrator, we need a strong actor, says the director. A strong actor? Give me a break. All I have to do is stand here and...


Narrator-(Looks around) What?

VOICE FROM BACKSTAGE-Don't forget to float!

Narrator-Oh right...(Starts to move up and down) Float...(Stops) I have about as much ability to float as a garbage truck. Now you don't usually ask a garbage truck to float, unless you drive it accidentally into a lake, and then you would probably say, 'Float you stupid truck. Float!' But I believe I am wandering off topic.

VOICE FROM BACKSTAGE-Would you hurry up? We don't have much time!

Narrator-Well, that's true enough. Time is of the essence, as they say.

VOICE FROM BACKSTAGE-You're not floating!

Narrator-(Drifts up and down)

Bubbles-And talk faster. We can't stay still, forever.

Bubbly-Yes, stop milking the moment.

Narrator-Me? Milking the moment? No! But now that I do have the stage to myself, there are a few issues I would like to bring up. (Pulls out a sheet of paper)

(Another explosion)

VOICE FROM BACKSTAGE-Hurry up! We don't have much time!

Narrator-(Looks back and then again at the audience, sighs and stuffs the sheet of paper back in his pocket) Well, I guess I must wait til after the show to air my grievances. So...


Narrator-I'm floating, I'm floating. (Drifts up and down) Look at me float. (Stops floating) This is a very short-lived monarchy known as a Bubbledom. Apparently Microsoft Office has never heard of a bubbledom because they indicate it as a spelling mistake, but it is indeed a bubbledom, a royal bubbledom, and my job is to guide you, the audience, through the short-lived life span of a certain monarchy; on the bubble so to speak. In case you have never been a kid and did not know, bubbles exist only for a precious few seconds. But in that microcosm of time, whole civilizations are created and destroyed. And being as we are all bubbles, we float...See. (Does so) The breeze takes us wherever, until that dreadful moment, (Another explosion) when we pop! We call it spontaneous combustion. In this tiny microcosm of time, we live a lifetime, with always the fear of...
(Another explosion)
The big pop!

Bubbles-What was that?

Bubbly-I don't know. But I don't like it. Let's go and ask Mama and Papa.

(A Royal Flourish is sounded and the King and Queen enter floating)


Queen-Thank you, very much. I think I can take it from here. Meanwhile the Queen...Will you hurry up?

King-Sorry, my dear. (Carrying an armload of papers, which he drops, accidentally, on the floor) I've just got the reports from our scientists. (He stops, picks up the papers, and more fall to the floor)

Queen-Good lord! (She parks herself on the large throne, looking quite pleased with herself)

King-(Sits meekly on the smaller throne) My dear, if you don't mind, I would like you to take a look at these reports.

Queen-Oh, you insufficiently weak, little man.

King-I wish you wouldn't keep saying that.

(End of Script Sample)

A royalty of ten dollars per performance will be charged for any public performance of each play purchased, even if there is no admission charged for that performance. A one-time duplication fee of ten dollars will be charged to cover any copying and distribution of that script.

Bubbledom and Licensing Fees

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