
Showing posts with the label kids drama

Great deal on Kid's plays.

Great deal on Kid's plays. With this purchase you will receive 12 great kids' scripts with all duplicating and royalty rights. You can make as many copies of these plays and do as many performances of the same, with no further cost. You may not, however, share the scripts with anyone not involved in the production. Scripts will be emailed to you as PDF's Purchasing, licensing and duplicating fees for all 12 kids plays $100.00 Option 2 Option 3 Allow up to 48 hours for delivery of the PDF copy of the play.     Short synopsis of the 12 plays Bro White Everybody has heard of Snow White and Cinderella but what about their brothers? Bubbledom A fantasy about the magical land of bubbles and the giant bee that has invaded the kingdom. Guppy Getaway An underwater fantasy about life under the sea for a school of guppies who get lost in the ocean . King Hector the Horizontal A story of a brave princess who climbs a mountain to slay a drago...