Plays for Kids

Plays for Kids There are a number of plays for kids on this blog. The first couple of pages of each script are previewed through the links below with casting breakdowns, costume ideas, props and set suggestions. The plays assume no stage lighting. Each play on this blog has been tested before an audience in both theatres and church halls. Plays are a great learning tool for kids, as they learn about words and language, Their imaginations are stretched and expanded. Their self-confidence grows with each performance before a live audience. Creativity and Imagination are increasingly looked at as the building blocks for a successful career in so many fields, such as in engineering, entrepreneurial activities, Silicone Valley and politics to name a few. In our experience, most kids that get on stage, particularly girls, enjoy high marks at school. Self confidence is a wonderful thing. These plays were developed in our acting classes for kids at Bottle Tree Productions. Pa...