Preview of The Viking Conquests

The Viking Conquests
The Vikings have invaded England and King Richard the Faint-Hearted is all that stands between an English England or a new Viking England.

Cast requirements
Suitable for kids aged 11-12 years old
Cast of at least 15 with 5 girls 5 boys and 5 gender-neutral characters.

Characters in Order of Appearance
Soldier Bob and Soldier George
Lady Ava and Lady Charlotte
King Richard the Faint-Hearted and the Queen
The Assembled Crowd (Optional)
Viking Queen
Anders Free and Bjorn Free
Teagan and Tatum

Two removable thrones or chairs upstage

A scroll
Two trumpets
A box
Viking banners
A conch
A scroll
Little sword

Medieval English Court
Viking Warriors

The Viking Conquests

English Castle-The year is 900 AD

(There are two thrones Upstage Centre)

(Two soldiers march on from opposite sides of the stage and meet in the middle. They salute each other and then turn in unison to face the audience, take out their trumpets and after taking a big breath, they blow their trumpets and look quite pleased with themselves. After a moment, they start getting uncomfortable and look at each other. Then they slowly look behind them and then they look at the audience)

Soldier George-One...two...three!

(After taking a big breath they blow their trumpets again and again look quite pleased with themselves. After a few seconds, they again start getting uncomfortable and look at each other. Then they slowly look behind them and then again, they look at the audience)

Soldier Bob-Are we? (looks around again) Are we in the right place?

Soldier George-(Shrugs)

Soldier Bob-How long should we stand here?

Soldier George-(Shrugs again)

Herald-(The Herald enters) Oh, good. You're here. Sorry, I'm late. Where is everybody?

Soldier George-(Looks around and shrugs again)

Herald-I was up all night you know, struggling to find the right words. I mean, what can you say about our king? You can't exactly say, King Richard the Mediocre, now can you, or King Richard the Rabbit Heart, so I have been forced to fancify everything, to make the King sound more than he is...(She looks at the soldiers) But you don't care, do you.

Soldiers-(Shake their heads)

Lady Ava and Lady Charlotte-(Enter unhappily and in unison) Not here yet?

Soldiers-(Shake their heads)

Lady Ava and Lady Charlotte-We have been waiting and waiting.

Herald-Goes with the job. After all, you are...ladies-in-waiting!

Lady Ava-(Sits down on the throne) But what are we waiting for?

Lady Charlotte-(Sits on the other throne and pouts) And I'm tired of waiting.

Herald-I wouldn't sit there, if I were you.

Princess-(Enters and the ladies-in-waiting jump up) (The princess looks at the soldiers) Have you seen Mumsy and Popsy?

Soldiers-(Shake their heads)

Princess-(Looks at the ladies-in-waiting)

Ladies in Waiting-(Shake their heads)


Herald-I am afraid not. Do you want to hear my speech?

Princess-No. Speeches bore me to death. (Looks at the audience) But maybe you could bore them.

Herald-(Looks at the audience) Why would I waste a good speech on them? I wish you would indulge me. It is lovely.

Princess-I am sure it is, but like I said, speeches bore me. Everything bores me, especially you common folk. Do you like my dress?

Herald-(Looks unimpressed) Well...Its not, uh...

Princess-Remember, I can have you thrown in prison, if you displease me.

Herald-(Suddenly enthusiastic) Its a beautifully, gorgeous dress! (Turns to ladies-in-waiting) Isn't it beautiful?

Ladies-in-Waiting-(Nod enthusiastically) Beautiful!

Herald-(Turns to soldiers) Isn't it gorgeous?

Soldiers-(Nod enthusiastically) Gorgeous!

Princess-Oh, how I wish Mumsy and Popsy were here to see my wonderful dress!

(End of Script Sample)

A royalty of ten dollars per performance will be charged for any public performance of each play purchased, even if there is no admission charged for that performance. A one-time duplication fee of ten dollars will be charged to cover any copying and distribution of that script.

The Viking Conquests and Licensing Fees

Allow up to 48 hours for delivery of the PDF copy of the play.


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