Preview of King Hector the Horizontal

King Hector the Horizontal
A story of a brave princess who climbs a mountain to slay a dragon and save the kingdom

Cast requirements
Suitable for 8-11 year olds
Seven characters including Three girls, Two boys and two gender-neutral parts

Characters in Order of Appearance
The Narrator
King Hector-A very lazy King
Queen Anika-His scheming wife
Daniella-The Queen's Lady-in-Waiting
The Grand Vizier-A wicked man
Princess Madelina-an innocent and brave girl
Colin-A baby dragon

Set requirements
Three thrones of differing sizes 
A large nest
A large child-sized egg

Suitable costume for a fairy-tale king
Suitable costume for a fairy tale queen
Suitable costume for a fairy tale princesses
Suitable costume for a lady-in-waiting
Suitable costume for a Grand Vizier who is the adviser to the king
A dragon costume
A story-tellers or troubadour's costume for the narrator

A sword
Three crowns
Feather pen
A scroll
Plastic container marked gasoline
A blindfold
A tray of strawberry muffins
Large Jug marked poison or with a skull and cross bones

King Hector the Horizontal

(There are three thrones-This represents the palace. The first throne is large, the second is medium-sized and third is small. To one side of the stage is a large nest with a cardboard egg. This represents the mountain. The smaller thrones are empty. In the larger throne sits King Hector lying on his side)

The Narrator-(Enters) In a land far away in time and place there lay the tiny landlocked kingdom of Wobaggoneestoppeeland. You might not find the name of the kingdom in any history books or on any maps, but I assure you, it did exist. Today, it is better know as Switzerland. Much of this mountainous land had been infested with dragons and much carrying off of villagers had ensued. The king of this little known kingdom was Hector the third, more commonly known as King Hector the Horizontal. Queen Anika was looking for a divorce.

Queen Anika-(Enters-followed by her lady-in-waiting. Her lady-in-waiting is attempting to attach a crown to the Queen's head. The queen pulls out a sword and sneaks up behind King Hector with the intention of stabbing him)

King Hector-(Slowly gets up and surveys the kingdom) Another Royal day (He yawns and lies back down just as Queen Anika stabs at the empty space where the king's head had been)

Queen Anika-Drat! I missed.

Lady-in-Waiting-(Cheerfully) But you tried your best your majesty. That's what counts! I hear poisoning works quite well. You could poison his strawberry muffins.

Queen Anika-(Nods) He does love his strawberry muffins.

King Hector-Oh wife. Where is our daughter?

Queen Anika-(Looking around for somewhere to put the sword)

King Hector-Oh wife!

Queen Anika-(Suddenly puts the sword under the throne. She then gets up, fixes her hair and smiles) Coming dear. What are you bellowing for?

King Hector-Come, come. Sit down beside me. (The Queen sits in her medium-sized throne. Her lady-in-waiting fusses with the Queen's hair) Where is our daughter; Princess Madelina?

Queen Anika-Doing her studies I expect. Deportment, table manners and curtsying. She will be queen some day and she has to learn how to be a queen. Being a queen is hard work. (To her Lady-in-Waiting) Do my nails. (Lady-in-Waiting does so) Its about keeping up appearances.

King Hector-Right you are. Take me for example. It's hard maintaining this image of a caring, hardworking king. (King lies with his face hanging over the front of the throne and his feet up over the back of the throne)

Queen Anika-Yes of course.

King Hector-Where is my Grand Vizier?

Grand Vizier-(Entering) I am here! I am here! I am really here!

King Hector-Must you always be so irritatingly exuberant?

Grand Vizier-What can I say? I love my job. The palace intrigue, the plots to kill the king, the dragons in the mountains, the peasants are...

King Hector-Whoa there mister! Did you say something about plots to kill the king?

Grand Vizier-(Looks at Queen Anika who glares at him) Perhaps I spoke a little prematurely. After all, you're not dead yet.

King Hector-Right you are. I'm alive and... (Kicks his feet) kicking! What other news do you have for me, Vizier?

Grand Vizier-Grand Vizier. Grand. I have a grand in front of my name and it makes me feel like a million bucks.

Queen Anika-Fool, do you have any other news?

Grand Vizier-Yes, ma'am, the peasants are revolting.

King Hector-You're absolutely right! They are disgusting! (Yawns) They are so lazy.

Grand Vizier-No sire. What I mean is something very different. They are preparing to march on the palace. They want to overthrow you. They have demands.

King Hector-But my people love me.

Queen Anika-They love you as I do.

King Hector-What are these demands?

Grand Vizier-They demand better housing conditions, better wages.

King Hector-We pay them?

Grand Vizier-And they want the dragons exterminated.

King Hector-Send out the army to crush the people!

(End of Script Sample)

A royalty of ten dollars per performance will be charged for any public performance of each play purchased, even if there is no admission charged for that performance. A one-time duplication fee of ten dollars will be charged to cover any copying and distribution of that script.

King Hector the Horizontal and Licensing Fees

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