Preview of Mice and Cats

Of Mice and Cats
The Mouse Kingdom has run out of cheese. How will they survive?

Cast requirements
Suitable for kids aged 10-12 years old
12 kids 3 boys, 4 girls and 5 gender neutral parts

Characters in Order of Appearance
Colin the Mouse King
the financial exchequer
Elizabeth the Mouse Queen
Squeaker Squeaker a servant of the King
Larry a servant of the King
the royal historian
the royal scientist
General Whiskers the head of the mouse army
Stephanie a small mouse
Kittyy a house cat
Madison the cat's owner-a human child
Mom-Madison's mother

Stage is empty but for two thrones. This play takes place in a mouse hole.\

small wooden cabinet or dresser
A large notebook
feather pen
A book of historical records
A large dustball (Perhaps bits of fabric tied up in a ball)
Cat dish
Box of cat food
Bag of groceries

                                                          Of Mice and Cats

Colin-(sitting on his throne) I coulda been a somebody, instead of king of this two-bit hole in the wall.

The Financial Exchequer-(Entering and repeatedly bowing) Excuse me your wonderfulness

Colin-Yes, yes. Who are you? What is it?

The Financial Exchequer-I am the financial exchequer.

Colin-Ah, yes, the financial exchequer. (Beat) What exactly is a financial exchequer?.

The Financial Exchequer-I’m in charge of paying the peons.

Colin-Yes, yes of course.

The Financial Exchequer-I am in charge of keeping our economy going.

Colin-Yes, of course, and have I thanked you lately?

The Financial Exchequer-Not lately.

Colin-Good. Lets keep it that way. I wouldn’t want you to get a swelled head.

The Financial Exchequer-No, I wouldn’t be able to keep my balance. That's a financial joke. No? Never mind. We have a financial crisis.

Colin-Oh, a crisis. That might be fun.

The Financial Exchequer-We have run out of cheese!

Colin-I-I don’t understand.

The Financial Exchequer-The cheese is gone.

Colin-Gone? Do you mean completely?

The Financial Exchequer-I mean absolutely.

Elizabeth-(Entering) Darling, how are you?

Colin-I’m not sure. Something’s happened. Something horrible has happened.

The Financial Exchequer-Your queenship. (Followed by a little bow)

Elizabeth-Buzz off little man.

The Financial Exchequer-Of course.

Colin-The exchequer says we are out of funds, that we are out of cheese.

Elizabeth-Don’t get your tail in a knot. We’ll just get some more cheese.

Colin-Cheese doesn’t just grow on trees. (Beat) Does it?

The Financial Exchequer-I don’t know. I always thought it was sort of a mould.

Colin-We’ll just have to get more cheese. Summon the cabinet.

The Financial Exchequer-Summon the cabinet!

(Squeaker and Larry bring on a wooden cabinet)

Colin-Open the cabinet!

(Squeaker and Larry open thr Cabinet)

Colin-What do you see?




Larry and Squeaker-Nothing!

Colin-That can’t be! In my three weeks of life I have never known us to be without cheese. Summon the historian! The royal historian!

Larry and Squeaker-Summon the historian!

The Royal Historian- (Entering bowing, she carries the book of historical records) Your majesties, you summoned me.

Elizabeth-I certainly didn’t summon you. I have no interest in you.

The Royal Historian-Well, who did summon me?

Colin-I did. You are the royal historian, I suppose.

The Royal Historian-Yes, quite.

(End of Script Sample)

A royalty of ten dollars per performance will be charged for any public performance of each play purchased, even if there is no admission charged for that performance. A one-time duplication fee of ten dollars will be charged to cover any copying and distribution of that script.

Of Mice and Cats and Licensing Fees

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